Sunday, February 10, 2013



Have you ever danced with the stars?
Have you ever sung with the wind?
Have you ever exchanged secrets with
the moon until the sun rose again?

Have you ever kissed the water?
Has the fire ever touched your soul?
Have the words of a storm, speaking
to you, ever made you lose control?

Have you ever seen the heart of a flower?
Do you understand the nightingale's song?
Do you know what the little creatures say
to each other when they whisper all day long?

Can you see what is invisible?
Can you hear the sound of silence?
And when noone else is there,
can you feel your angel in the darkness?

Do you know that all that truly matters
is the magick you don't understand?
Sometimes all your soul longs for, all your
 soul needs, is the touch of an unseen hand.

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